
Devblog #7

I’ve got some pretty interesting updates and changes coming up. Changed some gameplay mechanics, which I believe will suit the progression of the game as well as fixed some animation issues I had before.

1. Added in a dialogue function


This is pretty interesting for me, as I’ve intended WillOWisp to be a bullethell platformer with a story. So the way dialog should appear in the game is crucial. I didn’t want it to be so much as interactive like an RPG, but something more light hearted. And the bullet hell gameplay should still be the main focus. Dialogues, or story scenes will appear at the end of stages, before it leads to the next stage. I figured this would give players more storyline than a platformer like say Sonic the hedgehog, but less than an RPG. The font selection also gives an old school Zelda like feel to it, which I have to say I like a lot.

2. Rewind Animations (10).gif

So one of the core mechanic of the game is that when you get hit, you don’t take damage, but rewind in time. I’ve had some animation issues with this before, thus not showing any of this mechanic. But I’ve since fixed it and I think it works great now. Awesome. But it might be a little too harsh if it brings you back all the way when you fail to dodge the enemies. I will probably tweak this.

3. Changed perspective & fireball (11).gif

So this is the exciting part for me. I was considering the gameplay of a bullethell platformer, and did a little research here and there after getting feedbacks from a few people. And decided that the initial way, of firing without direction would have to change. Now, it is aim and fire. I find this to be more satisfying and also in a concept point of view, has much more potential for experimental skill gameplay. I’ve also pulled the camera out slightly, so the player can see more. Before the orbs might feel a little random, and sudden.


What’s next?
Boss Battles.


Devblog #6

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It’s time for another update to the development of the game. This time, I’ve decided to be more organised in the way I show my updates. I figured it would help me better keep track of what I am doing, and how I can improve the game.

1. Added in a Start Check Point

I’ve yet to show anything on how it looks like when you get hit by the enemy orbs (however it is already implemented, you don’t just die and restart btw), because I’ve still got some issues with the animation working, and it looks kinda shabby now. But the idea is that you have a check point in the map, that you kinda load from. I added this animation so you know where they are. They should also probably “activate” in some way when you run past them, kinda like Sonic The Hedgehog’s bell/lamp post checkpoints.

2. End Portal & Dialogue system

As a platformer, it will play out in stages. Story will be the focus at this point for Will O’ Wisp, so at the end of the stage (atleast the first here). There will be this thing that happens. There is a backstory to it that I will share at a later stage. I think it’s looking good now as it brings out the story and feeling that I am trying to show. *Hint* it isn’t a portal.

3. Bullethell Ability


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What kind of bullet hell platformer am I making if it doesn’t have bullet hell abilities, amirite? Our Will O’ Wisp has the ability to set the world on fire. lol. He can fire back I mean.

Check out the tweet below to see some gameplay of the fireball ability.

Devblog #5

I’ve added quite a few game quality elements in this week. I feel that graphical elements can sometimes directly affect fun. Not necessarily gameplay fun, but visual fun.

Firstly, I added in a screen shake on my main camera, as well as a smooth follow. The smooth follow slows the camera follow to the player, so it feels more organic and less rigid. The screen shake is for impacts, for when the player hits an object that he/she can destroy.

An example of the camera shake with camera follow.

I’ve also added a few more particles to the game. Like dust particles when wisp hits the ground, as well as impact particles when wisp hits an object. Particles FTW.

I’m currently conceptualising a portal to another world effect. Well, keep up wisp.

Devblog #4

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The new sprite for the character has finally been done. I’ve always felt the old sprite didn’t work in the new world design, and new sprite animations needed to be done anyways.

I think the new willowisp looks more wisp like now, like a burning fireball. It has full sets of ability sprites as well (now if I can only get the animations to work exactly as I want them to).



After this I am planning for cut scene into the next world and also focus on the level design. There isn’t much to say now as this week’s work was all pixel art stuff. There will hopefully be more exciting updates very soon, as I am going to be back to developing with these new sprites. Really excited to try out the abilities with particle effects.

Devblog #3

This week has seen some interesting development updates for the new world. Our little wisp has got some new abilities… well, I am still experimenting and playing around with it. But here are the ones in the works.

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Dashing – this one allows wisp to move forward quickly. Which is a movement mechanic. I really like this one, however I’ve kinda of made this quite redundant as the next ability has somewhat the same effect.

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Some sort of bubble attack – okay… it’s not supposed to be a bubble attack (it’s a wisp ability y’know lol) but it releases these energy orbs behind, which then pushes him forward, kinda like the dash, but slower.

Float – Allows the wisp to float in the air when the button is held. Simple enough mechanic for evading the bullet hell in coming.
I’ll probably remove the dash, and replace it with something else, or maybe 2 abilities are enough for now (simple is better right?)

I feel that the first stage is almost complete, and I know how I am going to progress from here onwards, storywise & gameplay wise. I need a few more assets so these days I’ve been working as the artist. Our little wisp is getting a revamp, to look more like a willowisp.

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I’ve got expert help and we’ve decided the purple and white wisp will be the chosen one to join the new world with us. Keep up with us, oh and btw my favourite tweet so far (*below)